How to Make Important Decisions Quickly

How to Make Important Decisions Quickly

Have you ever been in a car with someone and the question comes up, "What do you want to eat?" "I don't know, what do you want to eat?" "I don't know, anything is fine with me." "McDonald’s?" "Nah, I'm not in the mood for burgers" And so on for about another 3 miles.  Quick decision making is critical in just about every aspect of life.  Every decision you make produces a result.  For some, the decision making process is a quick and painless one.  For others, trying to choose what to wear first thing in the morning can be a time consuming project. Why It's So...

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How To Wake Up Early Without Hating It : My 3 A.M. Experiment

It’s Monday morning and you have hit the “snooze” button twice and now its finally time to get out of bed.  Eyes still closed, your feet slide across the floor on your way to the bathroom as you think, “4 more days until its Saturday again, I have two more months until my vacation, and there is another 37 years until I retire. “ How is it that some people can get out of bed early and start their day with a smile while others don’t speak in the morning until they get to work?  I used to wonder about this all...

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The Change Blindness Phenomenon and How to Stop it From Ruining Your Plan

I came across a video recently that made me think about life and how we get from point A to point B.  The video was about Change Blindness.  Change blindness is the phenomenon that occurs when a person viewing a visual scene apparently fails to detect large changes in the scene. Experiments have been done to see if people would notice subtle differences in two identical pictures.  Researchers would show the subject a picture, then the exact same picture would then flash but with a change to a significant item in the picture.  Many people have a problem finding the changes. ...

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Playing a Game of “Chicken” With Fear

Playing a Game of “Chicken” With Fear

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon Have you ever seen the game of chicken played in a movie or in real life?  The game is played by two people in order to determine who is tougher.  In the movies, two guys in fast cars face off and drive towards each other at high speeds until one of them “chickens out” and swerves at the last second narrowly avoiding a deadly crash.  The winner of the game is the one who did not flinch. In the past few...

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Overcoming Self-Doubt By Julie Fuimano

The following is a guest post by Julie Fuimano RN, MBA, CSAC Everyone experiences self-doubt at some point in our lives. For many people, self-doubt can be pervasive, even crippling. It can impact your relationships. It destroys confidence. It causes procrastination or lack of effort. It can be extremely frustrating to live with the reverberating voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough to do or have whatever you might want.   Every day throughout the day, doubts creep in. You question everything from your worthiness and deservingness to your abilities and skills. “Can I really do it? Will I be...

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Everything Comes to Him Who Hustles While He Waits By Nadege Lewis

Thomas Edison's wise words bring life to anyone who has experienced frustrations due to missed opportunities. The person who finds themselves to be "unlucky", the individual who never seems to get a break, the one who seems to stay in the same rut time and time again. These are all examples of people who fail to hustle while they wait. Edison's timeless quote contains within it two crucial words that we should pay close attention to...wait and hustle. I looked up the meaning of the word "wait" in my Oxford dictionary and found two definitions. The first definition is...

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The Ultimate Guide to Giving and Taking Constructive Criticism

The Ultimate Guide to Giving and Taking Constructive Criticism

  Life is full of give and takes.  But when it comes to criticism, most people would rather give than take.  People react differently when they are criticized.  Some people get angry while others may lose confidence in themselves.  Then there are some who can take criticism and apply it in a positive way.  My goal in this article is to help you become one of those people. Giving criticism can be as difficult as taking criticism.  If your intentions are good but the delivery is not, your message will not be well received.  When that happens, the person will not...

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The 3 A.M. Experiment Part 2: From Experiment to Lifestyle

The 3 A.M. Experiment Part 2: From Experiment to Lifestyle

“You’ve been waking up at what at time the past few weeks?” “Three.” “Three?” “Yes, Three.” “Well, I usually go to bed at around three every night so I guess I’ll give you a call before I go to sleep to tell you good night.” That is how many of my conversations have been going in the past few weeks when I revealed to someone about my 3 a.m. experiment.   Some would say that they admired my ability to wake up early.  Others wondered how I was able to do it without falling asleep at work.  And a few just looked at me as...

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How to Stay Focused and Accomplish Any Task

How to Stay Focused and Accomplish Any Task

Have you ever started your work day or project focused and ready to succeed just to find yourself thinking about something that has nothing to do with what you are working on a few minutes later?  Maybe you have a goal that you intended to accomplish just to see it fade because you were unable to stay focused.  We all have an issue with staying focused at some point or another. Recently, I’ve had a hard time staying focused.  My lack of focus has cost me to be ridiculously unproductive.  After a few good months of high productivity and accomplishment, the last...

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The Persuasion Experiment:  5 Effective Persuasion Techniques Tested

There are many different ways to persuade people to your way of thinking.  Politicians, writers, and advertising companies use multiple techniques to get the masses to buy into their message.  But persuasion techniques are important for everyone to learn. We are constantly trying to persuade others in one direction or another.  Whether it is trying to convince your friends to eat at one restaurant instead of another, or getting your boss to give you a raise, being able to persuade other people is important. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle understood the power of persuasion.   They used persuasion (rhetoric) to...

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