For Entrepreneurs (Guest Post):10 ways to grow your home based health care business

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I have come to realize that a lot of Potential 2 Success readers are entrepreneurs or are future entrepreneurs.  I often get request from other bloggers for guest posts and some of them are really informative.  Because of this, I have decided to create a new category called For Entrepreneurs.  This category will have new, established, and part-time entrepreneurs.  Psst, here’s a secret, I may be starting a new all entrepreneurial blog next year.  In the meantime, enjoy these informational post!


The health care industry has been prospering for quite some time now and there are opportunities galore in this field for those who endeavour to setup a successful career. Globally the health-care business drives a major chunk of employment opportunities. However, if you wish to be the driver of your own fate and setup a venture in the comforts of home, here are a few home based health care business tips that could really help you grow as a home based entrepreneur. Howbeit to successfully execute these ideas you need to have a fair knowledge of the medical channels and procedures

  • Appoint specialist medical advisors –
    The appropriate medical advice can be given to patients if you hold a team of specialist medical advisors at your disposal. Many newspapers and other online marketing firms feature a column for health related issues and suggestions, for which your team can advise the right things to do to stay healthy. Remember the good word spreads faster than rumours.

  • Make room for a Nutrition consultant
    Cases of heart problems and diabetes are ever increasing. More and more patients are advised to follow the correct diet plan. Thus a nutritionist will only add value to your health care business. The nutritionist can educate people in following the right diet regime and advise them with certain recommendations that will help them with a happy heart.

  • Senior care consultant
    Senior care consultants like social workers, nurses etc. are the basic demand of a health care business. They are the right set of people who can help in taking care of sick and aged people who stay at home and cannot do their own chores. Your home based health care business can facilitate the services of senior care consultants.

  • Facilitating ambulances on hire
    You can be a part of the medical industry by providing ambulances to hospitals whenever required for hire. This could be of great help to the hospitals and health care units as such establishments usually run short of ambulance facilities.

  • Touch-base with a medical insurance specialist
    People will usually have the least idea about the right medical insurance plans especially during the hours of any emergency. Make sure to tie-up with a well-versed medical insurance representative who can advise people with the appropriate claim details during the hour of need.

  • Pharmacist on the house
    Pharmacists have been in demand for any health care business. Make sure to maintain a stock of all those lifesaving medicines in the store so that the patients and their people don’ have to run around for medicines when they need it the most. You can run this successfully as a part of your home based business.

  • Training students in health care Spreading knowledge is no harm. Especially if that earns you publicity and PR! It could be a major step in improving your home based health care business. You can train students/newbies on health care terminologies, concepts and best practices of the industry and promote the facilities available in your institution.

  • Medical billing and coding jobs
    Medical billing and coding jobs can also prove beneficial for your home based health care business. In this context, Medical billing and coding at
    Sanford Brown is known to be one of the finest hands-on trainings in the industry. For years they have bestowed the best to the business and is a renowned name today. Every medical procedure needs to be assigned to a numerical code and this can be done by people who have specialized knowledge in this field. This practice would make your home based business grow without breaking much of sweat.

  • Charity calls
    They say, charity begins at home! If you are a newbie and just trying to make your ground it would be a brilliant idea to give your consultancy and other health care services around your neighborhood and circles without charging a penny. Once you gain enough reputation and exposure growth of your business will be only a matter of time.
  • Post an advertisement on the leading health magazine in your area
    This is possibly the most proven practice to promote a home based health care business. You could post a few lines along with the emergency contact number and facilities available at your Centre on a popular health magazine. Alongside a classified, you could also use social media channels like Facebook and Twitter to give a boost to your health care business.

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