Archive for October, 2013

Hunter, Scavenger or Prey: Which Life Are You Living

Hunter, Scavenger or Prey: Which Life Are You Living

  Most people wonder endlessly about why their lives are the way they are. Being stuck in a job that they hate, staying in an unhealthy relationship, or never really achieving their purpose in life.  These may be the results of living a life that lacks courage, individuality, and an unwillingness to aggressively pursue a better life.  Instead of having the courage to face their adversities, question the direction their lives are headed in, and actively seek true success, they opt to wander the earth with no real ambition and a lack of purpose which leads them to be a victim...

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Everlasting Motivation

I'm sure you've been there. You have a goal in mind that you are excited  about reaching. Maybe you finally decided to lose weight or you are inching  towards the place you want to be in your career. But as the time goes, so does  your motivation and drive. We all need motivation in order to complete our goals  and insure our success. Motivation is the fuel that lights that fire in the  heart and enables us to propel past obstacles and seize our goals. But in order  for that to happen you must sustain your motivation. Here are three ways...

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