I'm sure you've been there. You have a goal in mind that you are excited about reaching. Maybe you finally decided to lose weight or you are inching towards the place you want to be in your career. But as the time goes, so does your motivation and drive. We all need motivation in order to complete our goals and insure our success. Motivation is the fuel that lights that fire in the heart and enables us to propel past obstacles and seize our goals. But in order for that to happen you must sustain your motivation. Here are three ways...
Read MorePhoto © lassedesignen - Fotolia.com What does the way you speak say about who you are? I have a better question: What would you like the way you speak to say about who you are? Do you want to be perceived as intelligent, confident, caring, funny? The way speak can help you send the message you want. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that the way a person spoke, told of how wise and intelligent that person was. Even though we have so many ways to communicate in our century, we can learn a lot about a person by the way they speak and what...
Read MoreIf you've ever seen an endurance event such as the Ironman Triatholon or the Tour of Britain, you know that these endurance athletes have to have confidence in their coaches, road racing bikes, and their ability to compete with the other racers. A lot of the training that goes into preparing an athlete for a championship game or event is not only for building the body but, to build confidence in the athlete. Its well known that the belief in your ability to do well, is a big factor in whether you will excel. But what happens when things get tough...
Read MoreMost people try to find a way to stay motivated or find motivation to do a certain thing. Although I believe that motivation is important, the people who are trying to find it, may be looking for the wrong thing. There have been many times in my life when I have been unmotivated, uninspired, or flat out discouraged. But, one thing I have always been was ambitious. Even though sometimes I didn't know where to focus my ambition, I always desired to achieve in some way. I think the people who tend to struggle with how they are going to succeed in...
Read MoreHave you ever felt as though your life is going no where? You've gotten older, things have happened, but ultimately you have a sense that you should be further along in life than you currently are. You’ve tried and tried again but it seems as though you are not getting any closer to life advancement. I will sometimes get emails from readers asking for advice about something that they are struggling with. Lately, this has been a subject that has been popping up in my inbox. Having dealt with this feeling before, I know how hard it can be to truly...
Read MoreWhen most people wake up in the morning and roll out of bed, they hope that they will have a good day. In this post, I am going to show you how to choose to have a good day. More specifically, I will show you how to go out and conquer your day. Those of you who read my posts already know that I am a pretty motivated person. I hate letting a day go by when I haven't accomplished something. But recently, I have had a string of mundane and unproductive days. Projects were put off, deadlines didn't get met,...
Read MoreThere will always be those times when you feel as though you cannot go on. Times when things will seem too hard and impossible to overcome. But deep down there is something in you that still really wants to go on. There is still the desire to accomplish your dream, goal, or plan. But how do you do it? How do you look at your failures, mistakes, and disappointments and turn them into results, achievements, and accomplishments? How do you turn the feeling of loss and defeat into one of victory? All great questions that I will answer in this article. Handling...
Read MoreAre mornings mayhem for you? Do you have a rough time getting organized and going in the AM? If so, I've got good news for you. It doesn't have to be that way. You can have a better morning and day by building a killer morning routine. Since the 3am Experiment, I've made it a habit of waking up between 3 and 3:30am about 4 to 5 times a week. These extremely early sessions come in handy when I need to get a lot of work done without interruption. Although there are some mornings when I “sleep in” until 5am, I...
Read MoreHow is your year going so far? Mine? Great, thanks for asking. I've had some career advancement, some financial breakthroughs and have also expanded my professional network. There have been several other great things that happened this year. Many of the things that happened I planned for and others just happened. As I am writing this, it is still November and I am preparing my goals for next year as well as evaluating this year's events. In this post I will show you how to prepare for next year to ensure that it will be better than this year. Nothing beats feeling...
Read MoreWhat is it that you have that you were born with that makes you distinctly unique? What talent have you been gifted with that makes your wildest dreams possible and is that talent enough to get you there? There is a common misunderstanding about skill and talent. Most people seem to think they are the same and that you can succeed greatly with either one of them. Well, the truth is you can do a lot with one or the other but to you'll need both to get the most from your potential. The debate between skill and talent is an...
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