Photo © lassedesignen - What does the way you speak say about who you are? I have a better question: What would you like the way you speak to say about who you are? Do you want to be perceived as intelligent, confident, caring, funny? The way speak can help you send the message you want. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that the way a person spoke, told of how wise and intelligent that person was. Even though we have so many ways to communicate in our century, we can learn a lot about a person by the way they speak and what...
Read MoreWhen you are at work, do you daydream about telling your boss off and then storming out of the building? Have you recently read an article about the worst jobs in the world and thought to yourself, “being an Elephant Dung Inspector wouldn't be so bad.” If so, its time to find a new career. Most people enter the workforce looking not only to make a living but also to make the most of their talents, skills and education. When we land jobs that don't offer us the chances to do those things, we become discontent and anxious. But even though you...
Read MoreDo you ever struggle to find the right words to say to someone you’ve just met? Are you nervous around strangers? Wouldn’t be great if you could easily slide in and out of conversations with just about anyone? Guess what? YOU CAN and I will show you how! If we've ever met in person, you've probably had a long first conversation with me. One thing that I absolutely love to do is meeting people and having interesting, engaging conversations. Not only is this something that I love to do, it has also dramatically improved my professional and personal life. And learning how to...
Read MoreThere are many different ways to persuade people to your way of thinking. Politicians, writers, and advertising companies use multiple techniques to get the masses to buy into their message. But persuasion techniques are important for everyone to learn. We are constantly trying to persuade others in one direction or another. Whether it is trying to convince your friends to eat at one restaurant instead of another, or getting your boss to give you a raise, being able to persuade other people is important. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle understood the power of persuasion. They used persuasion (rhetoric) to...
Read MoreHave you ever been in a situation where you missed an opportunity to talk to someone that you wanted to meet? Maybe it was because you didn’t know what to do, how to act or what to say. Meeting anyone anytime or anywhere may sound difficult or improbable, but actually, it’s easier than you might think. Partnerships, romantic relationships, and friendships all begin with a meeting. After reading this, you will have a better understanding of how to effectively meet the people you want to associate with. ...
Read MoreWhile being interviewed about Michael Jordan, sportscaster Bob Costas said, “He has a force personality that is not the same thing as sports talent but it elevates that talent. If you knew nothing about basketball and he walked into the room you’d say, 'that’s somebody, that’s got to be somebody'.” What is it about some people that makes everyone take notice when they walk into a room? How can some speakers, performers, or actors control and engage their audience better than others? The answer is presence. Having presence is having an advantage. Being a force in a space means having...
Read MoreThis article will not focus on the basics of dealing with people. This article’s focus is to help you become the kind of person that can influence and positively affect those around you. Some people can walk into a room and light it up. They have an energy around them that makes others instantly gravitate to them. Although the people who can do this most effectively have been doing it since they were young, anybody can learn this ability. Magnetic Personality Many books and articles on the topic of dealing with people tend to focus on smiling, eye contact, and...
Read MoreHave you ever been in a room where you didn’t know anybody and it seemed like everyone knew everyone else? If you look close enough you’d probably notice that there are a few people who may not know anybody else but are somehow making their way around the room and socializing with a number of different people. The ability to start a meaningful conversation is a unique and valuable skill to have. The good news is that anybody can learn and master this skill. The bad news is that most people believe that they can’t learn how...
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