Author Archive

5 ways to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset by Richard Onebamoi

An entrepreneurial mindset is a way of thinking like an entrepreneur – passionately seeking new opportunities and executing them well. Creating a mindset that pushes you beyond treating your entrepreneurial ventures as a hobby to entrepreneurial actions that really make a difference in your business endeavors is critical. Developing an entrepreneurial mindset is so crucial for any industry if you must succeed. Having said that though, an entrepreneurial mindset should not be dreaded, because of the way it has been mystified. You must develop a passion for learning and acquiring new skills that will be helpful in building your business. In...

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Be Smarter in 30 Days

If you are reading this than chances are you believe that it is possible to be smarter in a month. Fortunately for you, it is possible. The amount of progress that you make in the time you dedicate to this is determined by how well you can execute the practices that will help you become smarter. In other words, if you do these things you will see a difference, if you cheat you won’t. When I say that you can become smarter, I am referring to an increase of concentration, focus, productivity, understanding and overall intellectual knowledge. Professor Howard Gardner...

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Assert Yourself Effectively

Have you ever been in a situation where you had the opportunity to say something or to speak up for yourself but you didn’t?  Maybe there was a decision to be made but for some reason you couldn’t muster up the courage to make that gutsy decision?  With the lack of assertiveness, come missed opportunities to communicate your ideas and thoughts.  The lack of assertiveness can also make you appear self-conscious and not having your own opinions. On the other hand, those who are assertive are seen by others as confident, more knowledgeable, more fun to be around, and more likely...

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Building Self-discipline

Building Self-discipline

Why does it seem like every time you commit to changing a bad habit, something happens that tests just how committed you are?  You start a diet, and then you get a call from a friend who wants to go to your favorite restaurant.  Or sometimes you promise yourself you are going to immediately start on an assignment that has to get done but you end up procrastinating until the very last minute?  These types of things are common and one of the major reasons why they occur to all of us is due to the lack of self-discipline. Many people...

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Learn From the 8 Most Confident Men in Film History

1)Cary Grant From about the mid 1930s to the present, any leading man that wore a tux on screen was duplicating the persona that Cary Grant created. Dashing good looks and charm made Cary Grant a mega movie star and a film legend. For 33 years he was America’s ultimate movie icon. The ultra smooth British born actor created an image that every man envied and admired. Cary Grant (whose birth name was Archibald Leach) himself even joked about the larger than life persona that he created by saying “Everyone wants to be Cary Grant, even Cary Grant”. What you can...

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Napoleon Bonaparte’s Guide to Leadership

  "In our time none has the conception of what is great.  It is up to me to show them" Revolutionist, brilliant military strategist, fearless solider, charismatic speaker, tyrant, all of these words could be used to describe the life of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.  One thing that is undeniable is that Bonaparte was an astounding leader.  This Corsican born soldier who was teased as a child for not being able to speak proper French, showed fearless determination on the battle field and an extraordinary ability to lead people which enabled him to raise to become the of emperor of France...

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Meet Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

Meet Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

  Have you ever been in a situation where you missed an opportunity to talk to someone that you wanted to meet?  Maybe it was because you didn’t know what to do, how to act or what to say.  Meeting anyone anytime or anywhere may sound difficult or improbable, but actually, it’s easier than you might think.  Partnerships, romantic relationships, and friendships all begin with a meeting.  After reading this, you will have a better understanding of how to effectively meet the people you want to associate with.                          ...

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Eat This Now! The 20 Healthiest Foods You Shouldn’t Live Without

Acai  This dark Brazilian superberry is found to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit in the world.   Dark colored berries have been known for their health benefits because of their Anthocynins (Vascular pigments) which give the acai its color.  These belong to a group of molecules called flavonoids.  Well, twelve additional flavonoids were found according to the Portuguese book “Açaí: Preparo, Composição e Melhoramento de Conservação" (Schauss et al. 2006a).  It also contains a rich amount of phytosterol which may reduce blood cholesterol.  In a 2006 University of Florida study, the Acai berry destroyed cultured human cancer...

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Perform Under Pressure

  There is something special about someone who can perform when the stakes are high and time is short.  There’s something very heroic about Michael Jordan stealing the ball from Karl Malone, taking the ball up court, and hitting a last second shot as his defender stumbles to the floor.  We love to see the dauntless doctor on television spring into action to rescue the patient whose vital signs are dropping at a rapid pace.  Or the firefighter who is able to maintain a certain level of focus even though flames and smoke threaten to consume him alive. In your life, you...

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Bounce Back After Failure

  One of the best learning tools that are available to us as human beings is also the same tool that we are most afraid of.  It’s interesting how even the thought of failing at even the simplest task can prevent most people from even attempting that task.  In the greater scope of achieving life goals, the fear of failure is an enormous hurdle for most people to jump.  The truth is failure cannot be avoided forever.  Those who attempt to flee from it their entire lives almost certainly miss great opportunities and even greater rewards. I am a firm believer that...

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